Why do you CrossFit?
CrossFit has a reputation for being an incredibly intense fitness program. I would be lying to say that this wasn’t what most attracted me to it. I have always been a very physically active individual who thrives on a real challenge. I enjoy pushing myself both mentally and physically. In CrossFit I’ve found an endless reservoir for that.
However, what has kept me involved with Crossfit are the results and the community. It would be hard to find a more supportive group of people than those within our box as well as in every box I’ve visited across the country. It’s a movement that has brought people together to get stronger and have fun doing it. CrossFit doesn’t just make you good at CrossFit. There is no doubt in my mind that CrossFit training better prepares you for virtually any activity. I’ve noticed improvements in my skateboarding, hockey, running, hiking, rock climbing, etc. I even managed to run a trail marathon with no training outside of my usual CrossFit.
CrossFit – the mystique is real, the community is real, and so are the results!